The National System

The National System is a network of linked high-performance voice repeaters. The primary function is to extend the voice communication range of mobile and home stations in the UHF band, providing coverage to most of New Zealand.

In it's current form, it provides a single voice channel, and, when a station accesses the System, then the signal is relayed by all other repeaters in the network.

The National System may also be used for AREC and CD purposes in times of need.

The Trustees have also authorised the use of the National System to relay the monthly NZART broadcast, to carry out packet forwarding for the BBS network in the middle of every night, and for Jamboree on the Air. Specific events may also be approved from time-to-time, for example the past satellite link-ups to Australia.


  1. Give AREC stations priority.
  2. Give stations using portable power priority.
  3. When calling all stations, there is no need to call CQ, simply announce your Call-sign and that you are listening on the National System.
  4. Announce Call-signs at the start and end of a contact, and at least once every 10 minutes.
  5. Each over should be limited to 2 minutes maximum duration.
  6. Before replying to an over, allow the repeater "tail" to finish, then wait a further 3 seconds before transmitting.
  7. If another station announces their Call-sign during the 3 seconds wait period between each over, the station about to reply should announce "Go Ahead" and let them transmit immediately.
  8. If you wish to break into a contact which is already underway, wait until the 3 second break between the overs, and then announce your Call-sign. Do not announce "Break".
  9. Contacts should be limited to 10 minutes maximum duration.
  10. Announce when contacts are completed, so other users can establish a contact without risk of doubling.


  1. Do not transmit on National System repeater output frequencies. Monitor reverse frequency, and if the signal is satisfactory, then QSY [change frequency] from the National System to a simplex frequency.
  2. Ignore annoying transmissions. Do not respond to, or comment on, any transmission not identified by a Call-sign.
  3. The National System may be used only for voice communication. (With the one approved exception of packet forwarding each night).
  4. The National System may not be used for cross-band contacts. The Trustees reserve the absolute right to disconnect any portion of the National System so used.
  5. No additions may be made to the National System without the prior approval of the Trustees. The Trustees reserve the absolute right to disconnect any portion of the National System so used. The Trustees require that any proposal to connect must propose equipment which complies with The National System Specification.

The National System can be heard by a wide audience, both amateurs and potential new amateurs. Extra consideration and courtesy will reflect a good image of amateur radio.

The above is a formal document from the National System Trustees. Published in the interests of all Amateurs by Wellington VHF Group, Branch 74 NZART.