SAR HQ Training - IMAN for AREC 18th June

IMAN is the incident management software that LandSAR Wellington uses for search operations. It is the alternative to paper based systems and works on both stand alone and networked computers.

Setting up IMAN and utilising it is required for a well functioning SAR HQ. All those working in HQ need to know how to operate IMAN, as it is the system used for logging all search efforts, radio traffic and information. It can also be used for managing resources, including people, equipment and teams, and for communicating priority messages/tasks around HQ. WLSAR needs advisers, AREC and members of the IMT team and HQ staff to be able to use IMAN and support the search effort.

This training is open to AREC, advisers, IMT staff, HQ staff, MLSO and CIMS trained members and advisers. Due to the number of computers available, we may have to limit numbers. Please register before 5pm Tue 16 June to help manage this. Telephone John ZL4JY on 021 456-042.

ZL4JY, AREC Section Leader

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