Examination Passes

On Saturday 24 January two examinations for the Amateur Certificate of Competency were arranged through the Wellington VHF Group examination and callsign services. They were conducted at two different examination centres at the same time.

One “walk-in” candidate asked to be examined and a time and place was arranged. A second “walk-in” candidate suddenly asked if it was possible to be examined on the very next day at a different location and a second examination centre was quickly arranged. Both exams started at 10.00 a.m. and the certificates and callsigns for both successful candidates were provided by mid-afternoon. One candidate was immediately on the air.

The service is able to provide exams for one candidate or many at one or multiple venues.

A candidate must be fairly confident that an adequate level of understanding and competency has been achieved by personal study to warrant an examination. As part of the service a private course of study is provided and courses are planned for this year.

If you know of someone who wishes to become a radio amateur and who would like an immediate exam, or who wishes to undertake a course of private study or attend a classroom course with an exam to follow, please advise the Branch executive or make contact via http://www.vhf.org.nz/contact.

The two new radio amateurs are:
ZL4WDR - Peter Jenkins (Yes! He’s a 4-wheel-drive enthusiast!)
ZL2KGW – Karl Wessels.

Each has applied for Wellington VHF Group membership under the new amateur complimentary membership plan.

Thanks to ZL2AMJ (Examiner); ZL2SX and ZL2BHJ; ZL2BRF and ZL2TAR; for supervising the examinations.