Digital Television tests - Bulletin No 11

A further series of mobile field strength test runs along Stratton Street has been performed, and a report is being prepared for consideration by the interested parties.

An inspection of the BQ32 sheet of the Topo50 map series shows that some receive locations on Stratton Street are line-of-sight from Belmont and are heavily obstructed from transmitters using the adjacent 494 to 502 MHz and 510 to 518 MHz bands, potentially resulting in reception in these bands having an unfavourable signal-to-noise ratio, caused by any out-of-band radiation of the DATV transmitter.

Readers of Q-Bit have noted the extreme measures that we have taken, so far, in the DATV exciter, up-conversion mixer, power amplifiers, output filters and corrosion-free transmitting antennas, to ensure minimal out-of-band radiation.

Non-interference with adjacent-channel services has been a condition of past DATV licences and will be a condition of future DATV licences